
What Is Your Workforce Plan For 2024?

It’s business planning season, and employers are trying to determine how much staff and budget they’ll need to meet their goals. But without a crystal ball, projecting future hiring needs is tough. Find out what you need to consider in your workforce plan for the New Year.

What is the best programming language to learn in 2023?

Thinking of learning a new programming language?  As business functions and services increasingly make the transition to digital platforms, demand for programmers and skilled developers is rising rapidly across Asia. The right one will make a difference to your career in 2023.

Accelerating Japan's digital transformation: Key challenges and opportunities

In the digital age, the realization of digital transformation (DX) is critical to business success. In this blog, we provide a thorough explanation of DX, which is essential for business transformation in the digital age, including its definition and current status and issues in Japan, based on industry sources and latest available information.

Salary negotiation: Here’s how to do it

For some candidates, a salary negotiation can be one of the most harrowing aspects of the interview process. Fortunately, since you already have an offer, you also have the upper hand. The following tips and salary tools can help you negotiate the salary you want and deserve.

15 easy tips to boost your work productivity

Life in today’s workplace is busy, busy, busy. But what can you do to manage your time efficiently and boost work productivity? These 15 tips will help you get the most out of your day.

4 tips to advance your career as a female executive in Japan

The number of women in key positions is increasing year by year globally, and in Japan as well, many women are now active in a variety of industries. In this article, we would like to share a few tips to help women advance their careers in Japan.

8 ways to avoid a long recruitment process hurting you

Talented candidates are in high demand and short supply. They hold the advantage, and they don’t like to wait. Here are 8 ways ensure you don’t fall into the trap of a long recruitment process.